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  • Writer's pictureGemma Welch

Kitchen Redesign - Part 3

So... After much deliberation, fettling and general stalling (and even a beta test with a lovely client who loved my plan for the triangular dresser style cabinet that she ordered a few for her own kitchen!), I think I have drafted acceptable elevation drawings for my own dream kitchen!

Since this plan has been a long time in coming, let me remind you of the floor plan:

Now, to be fair, there's not a lot I can add that I didn't already write in my post explaining my thoughts on the floor plan (which you will find here:, so here we are: ELEVATIONS!

Our Pantry Area - featuring full height fridge and freezer. Since our fridge-freezer actually broke down at the beginning of this summer, we have already upgraded to a full height fridge and enjoying the extra space immensely, partly due to the fact that we had to get used to a mini fridge for around 3 weeks until we could arrange the delivery of the new appliance! This has, however, had the knock on effect of semi-permanently halving our freezer space until this design can become a reality... which won't be for a while yet. We're already planning to move the washing machine upstairs and out of the downstairs WC, and replace it with a small freezer (which I will immediately fill with ice-cream!).

The Cooking Area - Our main issue with my previous design was that the plates and bowls in were out of the reach of the children. So we've simply put the everyday plates and bowls back to under the countertop, and kept the 'nice' plates up in the wall cabinets.

Our Sink Area - Since we currently don't have the wall units for this section, I moved the tupperware and lunchboxes to the small base unit below. I love having this dedicated cupboard, but I will need to arrange some sort of storage solution to stop everyone from piling lids on top of everything inside (I swear there's a monster in there that eats the boxes and leaves the lids... must be related to the sock monster in the utility room!). I foresee a lid land-slide in my future.

Since we are going to have to wait a wile for these plans to come to fruition, we are going to do the next best thing: a re-paint! We have chosen a couple of beautiful colours from Farrow and Ball: John is siding with Stone Blue, whilst I've recently discovered Parma Grey... A re-paint will give us the opportunity to try out the 'winner', and combined with new aged brass knobs, handles and hinges, this will freshen up our kitchen to make it feel brand new (for a while)!

First, though, the ceiling has some cracks that need filling, painting, and the walls desperately need a repaint... Oooohhh so much to do.

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Jackie Sprott
Jackie Sprott
Aug 01, 2023

This looks great and useful in designing my own which is a similar size - in terms of work top space for food prep - is it mainly the area between the sink and cooker?

Gemma Welch
Gemma Welch
Sep 04, 2023
Replying to

Thank you - I'm glad it could help you! I have created workspace zones in our kitchen, so I use the worktop area between the fridge and the cooker for meal prep, and the area between the cooker and the sink for plating up. Even in the biggest of kitchens I think I'd run out of space though!

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